Muses Influenced Images by Team artists
Kaz Maslanka - The Muses, 2014
24 x 36 inches
Durantrans Digital Print in a light box
Edition 2/13
“The polyaesthetic muses have an advantage over the Greek muses in that every possible aesthetic expression is seen under the influence of these muses as opposed to the limited Greek view. Furthermore one can tell exactly where the influence of one muse leaves and the next muse starts.” Kaz Maslanka
The Muses is an art work and a personification of the polyaesthetic muses in their respective octants. The 8 equations are mathematical metaphors describing the cubic domain of each muse in the space.
24 x 36 inches
Durantrans Digital Print in a light box
Edition 2/13
“The polyaesthetic muses have an advantage over the Greek muses in that every possible aesthetic expression is seen under the influence of these muses as opposed to the limited Greek view. Furthermore one can tell exactly where the influence of one muse leaves and the next muse starts.” Kaz Maslanka
The Muses is an art work and a personification of the polyaesthetic muses in their respective octants. The 8 equations are mathematical metaphors describing the cubic domain of each muse in the space.
Arguments Between The Muses Over Art Created for PAMM
Vicki Leon set out to understand these very abstract PAMM concepts and make sure that she channeled the muses instead of simply illustrating them. This is in keeping with the role of the muses in revealing the complexity of these concepts and the challenges of realizing that both art and science share aesthetic categories.
Vicki Leon - Photoscopia, 2009, reinvented for the PAMM project in 2014
7.5'H x 4'W x 7'D
Mixed media: metal, glass, acrylic
This piece was influenced by the muse Ahoomooah – encompassing the qualities of all the muses at once.The three revolving discs represent the three axis of PAMM. They are divided in half with imagery that represent the polarities of each axis. i.e. function/ non-function, mental effort/ physical effort, thinking/ direct sensory experience. At any given time a combination of three of these aesthetic categories will be reflected in the mirrors of the kaleidoscope and therefore represent one of the muses.
Conversation: Hypatia Kog: Photoscopia is my inspiration because its layered complexity is enjoyed through thinking, to create it took elaborate engineering and the main structural components were made by a computer numerical controlled router, and its main function is as an art piece.
All in unison: Agreed.
Bruta Kog: Photoscopia is my inspiration because as my sister Hypatia said its layered complexity and its function as an art piece, but also because of the great skill that the artist used in carving the glass lenses.
All in unison: Agreed.
Monoca Wilde: Photoscopia is my inspiration because though I agree with the Kog sisters, on all accounts, it is colorful and intriguing looking immediately without a further thought.
All in unison again: Agreed.
Polly Technica: Photoscopia is my inspiration because Photoscopia, though an art piece also serves a function and that is to help the viewer to learn about us, the muses, and what defines us and our concerns.
All, now in a tired and exasperated tone: Agreed.
Fortuna Arousa: Well, if that is the case, then Photoscopia is also my inspiration!
All: Obviously.
Rosie Beebright, Coco Complexia, and Gaia Usense in unison: Me too!
All in a long humming answer, harmonizing as the voice of the Ahoomooah: Yessssssss, yooooooooooooouuuuuuh toooooooooooo.
Whennnnnnnn we alllllllllllllllllllll agreeeeeeeee, I am IIIIIIIIIII, and sooooooooooooo, I claimmmmmmmmmmm Photoscopiaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
Vicki Leon set out to understand these very abstract PAMM concepts and make sure that she channeled the muses instead of simply illustrating them. This is in keeping with the role of the muses in revealing the complexity of these concepts and the challenges of realizing that both art and science share aesthetic categories.
Vicki Leon - Photoscopia, 2009, reinvented for the PAMM project in 2014
7.5'H x 4'W x 7'D
Mixed media: metal, glass, acrylic
This piece was influenced by the muse Ahoomooah – encompassing the qualities of all the muses at once.The three revolving discs represent the three axis of PAMM. They are divided in half with imagery that represent the polarities of each axis. i.e. function/ non-function, mental effort/ physical effort, thinking/ direct sensory experience. At any given time a combination of three of these aesthetic categories will be reflected in the mirrors of the kaleidoscope and therefore represent one of the muses.
Conversation: Hypatia Kog: Photoscopia is my inspiration because its layered complexity is enjoyed through thinking, to create it took elaborate engineering and the main structural components were made by a computer numerical controlled router, and its main function is as an art piece.
All in unison: Agreed.
Bruta Kog: Photoscopia is my inspiration because as my sister Hypatia said its layered complexity and its function as an art piece, but also because of the great skill that the artist used in carving the glass lenses.
All in unison: Agreed.
Monoca Wilde: Photoscopia is my inspiration because though I agree with the Kog sisters, on all accounts, it is colorful and intriguing looking immediately without a further thought.
All in unison again: Agreed.
Polly Technica: Photoscopia is my inspiration because Photoscopia, though an art piece also serves a function and that is to help the viewer to learn about us, the muses, and what defines us and our concerns.
All, now in a tired and exasperated tone: Agreed.
Fortuna Arousa: Well, if that is the case, then Photoscopia is also my inspiration!
All: Obviously.
Rosie Beebright, Coco Complexia, and Gaia Usense in unison: Me too!
All in a long humming answer, harmonizing as the voice of the Ahoomooah: Yessssssss, yooooooooooooouuuuuuh toooooooooooo.
Whennnnnnnn we alllllllllllllllllllll agreeeeeeeee, I am IIIIIIIIIII, and sooooooooooooo, I claimmmmmmmmmmm Photoscopiaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
Here are the conversations about the rest of the muses:
Vicki Leon - Beam Splitter Tower and Beam Splitter Cube, 2013
Hypatia Kog - Thinking / mental prowess/ Non-utility
A beam splitter is a functional optical device that splits beams of light. Leon purchased each beam splitter and stacked them together to create this sculpture.
Conversation - Fortuna Arousa: I inspired this collection of functional objects; they are handmade and beautiful!
Rosie Beebright: No, I inspired them! Though beautiful, beauty is not their function, it is merely a bi-product and the user must understand the useful properties in order to split beams of light. It is their capacity rather than their appearance which is truly exciting!.
Hypatia Kog: Dream on little sisters! You can have all the other beam splitters in the world, but you can’t have these! I have elevated these beam Splitters to Art, with a capital A, which I know you can never understand!
Fortuna Arousa and Rosie Beebright whining: But the artist didn’t even glue them together because we didn’t want to hurt their functionality.
All: Shhhh!
Rosie Beebright: I definitely inspired the making of these beam splitters! The technicians are so skilled and knowledgeable!
Hypatia Kog: Sister, I am surprised that you do not see that because the artist did not make these, she instead thoughtfully collected them, that as an art piece this is indeed not hand made, but ready made!
Rosie Beebright: Hmmmm.
Coco Complexia: Well then, I believe that it was me inspiring the artist because without its function to over ride its beauty as Rosie Beebright has argued then it is a ready made art piece and an art piece which is immediately beautiful.
Hypatia Kog: Oh, lovely one, I do see your point, but I must say that the beauty of Beam Splitter Cube and Beam Splitter Tower is greatly enhanced with deeper visual exploration and wonderment and the knowledge that these objects are made for splitting beams of light for such purposes as holography does indeed stretch the appreciation of the art.
All: Agreed.
Vicki Leon - Chakra Tower, 2006
Bruta Kog - Thinking / Physical prowess / Non-utility
Chakra Tower presents a deeper understanding of the chakras, energy centers in the body, and how they open and close based on our surroundings and experiences.
Conversation - Monoca Wilde: Mine, mine, mine mine, mine! OOOOhhhh, it’s pretty and tall and look at all that skill in the glass carving!
Bruta Kog: Not so fast, Wild One…….Though, I agree that the Chakra Tower has immediate and beautiful impact, it is the deeper understanding of the chakras (energy centers in the body) and how the artist is speculating on how they open and close which really makes this art piece interesting.
All: Agreed.
Vicki Leon - PAMM Tower, 2014
Polly Teknica - Mental prowess / Thinking / Utility
PAMM Tower is a collection of boxes holding examples of items that could be said to be inspired by each muse. These boxes were filled by team members who worked collectively to map them. It is only by mapping that one can truly understand the concepts presented in PAMM.
Conversation: Hypatia Kog: I inspired this collection and I can prove it by all the same reasons as Beam Splitter Cube and Tower,
Polly Technica: Right on all accounts except one, this isn’t ART! Vicki Leon would never sign this! It may be in an ART museum, but this collection of mapped objects is a functional learning tool, that I inspired the artist to make so she could understand us and it is exhibited here to help the viewer understand us as well as the artist’s process.
All except Hypatia Kog: Agreed.
Hypatia Kog whining: But she titled it!
All: Shhhhhh!.
Vicki Leon - Butterfly Wing Sconce, 2014
Fortuna Arousa - Direct Sensory Experience / Physical prowess / Utility
The unique formation and breaking of glass by the artist for this light fixture means reproduction is impossible.
Conversation: Fortuna Arousa: Sisters, you can clearly see that this comes from my domain! It evolved through improvisation, trial and error and when I loved it, she was done!
Coco Complexia: I really think this is an interesting piece, but you've entirely ruined it by making it a sconce. Why does it have to be a sconce? Wouldn't it be so much more interesting if it wasn't a light fixture? It rather bores me now.
All: Sorry Coco , we like Fortuna's sconce!
Vicki Leon - Metamorphosis Sconce, 2014
Gaia Usense - Mental prowess / Direct sensory experience / Utility
Calling upon computer programming in plastic manufacturing to reduce cost, makes this a rare work of art at an affordable price and suitable for reproduction.
Conversation: Fortuna Arousa: I worked on this sconce! I helped the artist cut and grind the glass, and I inspired the original model, which Gaia Usense then stole from me!
Gaia Usense: It was my pleasure to lure the artist with promises of wealth and ease. “Surely”, I said to her, “the work you do now in designing this so a machine can make it over and over again, will pay off in the end. It will allow you to make something useful that is affordable while still having the impact and essence of your artistic exploration.” And she is very grateful for my career advice! You'll see! With some luck the artist will be reproducing these for hotel lobbies, homes and theaters in no time! Oh, and Fortuna, you can keep the is not of interest to me.
All: Agreed!
Vicki Leon - La Entrada, 2013
Rosie Beebright - Thinking / Physical prowess / Utility
This is a maquette of a sculpture in tribute to Sol Price, a man who supported the development of City Heights. It is intended to be a vibrant full scale public sculpture for the community he served.
Conversation: Monoca Wilde: I love this one and I inspired the artist!
Fortuna Arousa: In so many ways I would give this to you, Sis, it’s visuals are immediately experienced and it was made by the artist’s hand, but you forget that this is not Art for Art’s sake……I'm glad that you are happy with its beauty but,I inspired it to serve a purpose, as a model or Maquette for a large, outdoor, public art piece.
Rosie Beebright: This is true; and I inspired it to serve the ultimate purpose which is to commemorate and give tribute to a man, Sol Price, who’s contribution to the neighborhood where the public art piece will be installed was remarkable. There is much symbolism to this end that requires a thoughtful mind to perceive.
All as Ahoomah: And so it is.
Vicki Leon - Open Channels, 2013
Coco Complexia - Mental prowess / Non-utility / Direct sensory experience
Seemingly very complex, this glass work actually has a very simple construction and so it is the thoughtful way it is arranged that lets the ideas pass through it.
Conversation: Monoca Wilde: This is one of my favorites that Vicki made for me. Certainly art for art’s sake…..luscious…..and carved by my disciples hand for my very own pleasure!
Coco Complexia: Except for a few things, my dearest……..beautiful as you and I might find this sculpture, the handwork is a minor aspect and certainly sandblasting little squares is not a challenge to the artist’s skill. Instead, I assert, that it is the fabrication of the slabs of glass themselves, which is done by beautiful machines and the optical effects achieved by high tech machines like vacuum chambers that makes us love it!
All but Monoca Wilde: She does make a point.
Coco Complexia: Furthermore, I claim this on another irrefutable note, that only I know, because I was there to compel this creation: When the artist created Open Channels the four glass pieces were already made. They were made as stand alone little sculptures for Monoca Wilde to hold in her hand. She had made five of them and while picking one to send to her collector who ordered one I swooped in and started to show her what I was thinking. We played with them like building blocks in the light and fell in love with the intricacies that emerge from the simple forms when placed in this radiating relationship! Hypatia Cog added the fiber optics, and insisted on the title, but this sculpture is my very own creation, and dear Wilde sister, I am so glad you love it!
All as Ahoomah: Good job, Coco.
Vicki Leon - Transformation, 2009
Monoca Wilde - Physical prowess / Direct sensory experience / Non-utility
Leon has mastered the art of glass carving as evidence in this work which utilizes all those skills to transform simple glass squares into patterns that delight.
Conversation: Monoca Wilde: Mine, mine, mine, mine, mine, mine, mine! Finally! I love that shiny color and I just want to touch it! Imagine the skill it took to carve that glass!
All: We agree
Vicki Leon - Beam Splitter Tower and Beam Splitter Cube, 2013
Hypatia Kog - Thinking / mental prowess/ Non-utility
A beam splitter is a functional optical device that splits beams of light. Leon purchased each beam splitter and stacked them together to create this sculpture.
Conversation - Fortuna Arousa: I inspired this collection of functional objects; they are handmade and beautiful!
Rosie Beebright: No, I inspired them! Though beautiful, beauty is not their function, it is merely a bi-product and the user must understand the useful properties in order to split beams of light. It is their capacity rather than their appearance which is truly exciting!.
Hypatia Kog: Dream on little sisters! You can have all the other beam splitters in the world, but you can’t have these! I have elevated these beam Splitters to Art, with a capital A, which I know you can never understand!
Fortuna Arousa and Rosie Beebright whining: But the artist didn’t even glue them together because we didn’t want to hurt their functionality.
All: Shhhh!
Rosie Beebright: I definitely inspired the making of these beam splitters! The technicians are so skilled and knowledgeable!
Hypatia Kog: Sister, I am surprised that you do not see that because the artist did not make these, she instead thoughtfully collected them, that as an art piece this is indeed not hand made, but ready made!
Rosie Beebright: Hmmmm.
Coco Complexia: Well then, I believe that it was me inspiring the artist because without its function to over ride its beauty as Rosie Beebright has argued then it is a ready made art piece and an art piece which is immediately beautiful.
Hypatia Kog: Oh, lovely one, I do see your point, but I must say that the beauty of Beam Splitter Cube and Beam Splitter Tower is greatly enhanced with deeper visual exploration and wonderment and the knowledge that these objects are made for splitting beams of light for such purposes as holography does indeed stretch the appreciation of the art.
All: Agreed.
Vicki Leon - Chakra Tower, 2006
Bruta Kog - Thinking / Physical prowess / Non-utility
Chakra Tower presents a deeper understanding of the chakras, energy centers in the body, and how they open and close based on our surroundings and experiences.
Conversation - Monoca Wilde: Mine, mine, mine mine, mine! OOOOhhhh, it’s pretty and tall and look at all that skill in the glass carving!
Bruta Kog: Not so fast, Wild One…….Though, I agree that the Chakra Tower has immediate and beautiful impact, it is the deeper understanding of the chakras (energy centers in the body) and how the artist is speculating on how they open and close which really makes this art piece interesting.
All: Agreed.
Vicki Leon - PAMM Tower, 2014
Polly Teknica - Mental prowess / Thinking / Utility
PAMM Tower is a collection of boxes holding examples of items that could be said to be inspired by each muse. These boxes were filled by team members who worked collectively to map them. It is only by mapping that one can truly understand the concepts presented in PAMM.
Conversation: Hypatia Kog: I inspired this collection and I can prove it by all the same reasons as Beam Splitter Cube and Tower,
Polly Technica: Right on all accounts except one, this isn’t ART! Vicki Leon would never sign this! It may be in an ART museum, but this collection of mapped objects is a functional learning tool, that I inspired the artist to make so she could understand us and it is exhibited here to help the viewer understand us as well as the artist’s process.
All except Hypatia Kog: Agreed.
Hypatia Kog whining: But she titled it!
All: Shhhhhh!.
Vicki Leon - Butterfly Wing Sconce, 2014
Fortuna Arousa - Direct Sensory Experience / Physical prowess / Utility
The unique formation and breaking of glass by the artist for this light fixture means reproduction is impossible.
Conversation: Fortuna Arousa: Sisters, you can clearly see that this comes from my domain! It evolved through improvisation, trial and error and when I loved it, she was done!
Coco Complexia: I really think this is an interesting piece, but you've entirely ruined it by making it a sconce. Why does it have to be a sconce? Wouldn't it be so much more interesting if it wasn't a light fixture? It rather bores me now.
All: Sorry Coco , we like Fortuna's sconce!
Vicki Leon - Metamorphosis Sconce, 2014
Gaia Usense - Mental prowess / Direct sensory experience / Utility
Calling upon computer programming in plastic manufacturing to reduce cost, makes this a rare work of art at an affordable price and suitable for reproduction.
Conversation: Fortuna Arousa: I worked on this sconce! I helped the artist cut and grind the glass, and I inspired the original model, which Gaia Usense then stole from me!
Gaia Usense: It was my pleasure to lure the artist with promises of wealth and ease. “Surely”, I said to her, “the work you do now in designing this so a machine can make it over and over again, will pay off in the end. It will allow you to make something useful that is affordable while still having the impact and essence of your artistic exploration.” And she is very grateful for my career advice! You'll see! With some luck the artist will be reproducing these for hotel lobbies, homes and theaters in no time! Oh, and Fortuna, you can keep the is not of interest to me.
All: Agreed!
Vicki Leon - La Entrada, 2013
Rosie Beebright - Thinking / Physical prowess / Utility
This is a maquette of a sculpture in tribute to Sol Price, a man who supported the development of City Heights. It is intended to be a vibrant full scale public sculpture for the community he served.
Conversation: Monoca Wilde: I love this one and I inspired the artist!
Fortuna Arousa: In so many ways I would give this to you, Sis, it’s visuals are immediately experienced and it was made by the artist’s hand, but you forget that this is not Art for Art’s sake……I'm glad that you are happy with its beauty but,I inspired it to serve a purpose, as a model or Maquette for a large, outdoor, public art piece.
Rosie Beebright: This is true; and I inspired it to serve the ultimate purpose which is to commemorate and give tribute to a man, Sol Price, who’s contribution to the neighborhood where the public art piece will be installed was remarkable. There is much symbolism to this end that requires a thoughtful mind to perceive.
All as Ahoomah: And so it is.
Vicki Leon - Open Channels, 2013
Coco Complexia - Mental prowess / Non-utility / Direct sensory experience
Seemingly very complex, this glass work actually has a very simple construction and so it is the thoughtful way it is arranged that lets the ideas pass through it.
Conversation: Monoca Wilde: This is one of my favorites that Vicki made for me. Certainly art for art’s sake…..luscious…..and carved by my disciples hand for my very own pleasure!
Coco Complexia: Except for a few things, my dearest……..beautiful as you and I might find this sculpture, the handwork is a minor aspect and certainly sandblasting little squares is not a challenge to the artist’s skill. Instead, I assert, that it is the fabrication of the slabs of glass themselves, which is done by beautiful machines and the optical effects achieved by high tech machines like vacuum chambers that makes us love it!
All but Monoca Wilde: She does make a point.
Coco Complexia: Furthermore, I claim this on another irrefutable note, that only I know, because I was there to compel this creation: When the artist created Open Channels the four glass pieces were already made. They were made as stand alone little sculptures for Monoca Wilde to hold in her hand. She had made five of them and while picking one to send to her collector who ordered one I swooped in and started to show her what I was thinking. We played with them like building blocks in the light and fell in love with the intricacies that emerge from the simple forms when placed in this radiating relationship! Hypatia Cog added the fiber optics, and insisted on the title, but this sculpture is my very own creation, and dear Wilde sister, I am so glad you love it!
All as Ahoomah: Good job, Coco.
Vicki Leon - Transformation, 2009
Monoca Wilde - Physical prowess / Direct sensory experience / Non-utility
Leon has mastered the art of glass carving as evidence in this work which utilizes all those skills to transform simple glass squares into patterns that delight.
Conversation: Monoca Wilde: Mine, mine, mine, mine, mine, mine, mine! Finally! I love that shiny color and I just want to touch it! Imagine the skill it took to carve that glass!
All: We agree